I Wasn't Expecting This Supplement To Make Me More Productive — But I'll Take It

How hemp helped me feel more productive.*
I first took hemp multi+ at the start of a busy workday. I washed the capsules down with some coffee, my inbox staring back at me with each gulp. I'd just as quickly forgotten I'd taken it as I got to work answering messages, assigning stories, and brainstorming pitches. It wasn't until a few hours later that I realized I'd gotten through a lot of work in a shorter time period than usual. And I'd done it all without needing to stop for a break or midday self-pep talk.
Curious about whether the hemp had anything to do with it, I took it again the next day and noticed similar results, and the next: I was definitely putting in more productive work on the days that I took this product.*
A workday workhorse.
While everyone will experience the product a little differently, many find that it helps them adopt a more even-keeled outlook.*
Research shows that stress is not necessarily conducive to productivity, suggesting that minimizing everyday stress can help employees do their work more effectively.
By alleviating my reaction to stressors, hemp multi+ seems to help me stay on track and not get as sidelined by negative, overwhelmed self-talk during the day.* I also noticed that, after I take it, I feel a little happier to tick off tasks that I used to dread and put off until later.
My fellow mbg-ers have reported feeling something similar: "My body is less tense, my mood is better, and I feel an overall sense of positivity that lasts throughout my entire day," Amanda Quadrini from our brand partnerships team, writes of her experience taking hemp+ during the workday.*
"After a few weeks, I noticed that I became much more levelheaded and even-keeled, and my mood was generally more positive," our client experience director Samantha Schwartz reports of her reaction to the product.*
The productivity potential of hemp extract isn't something I would have picked up on if I kept taking the product only before bed, but I'm glad I did. My mood, my attitude, and my inbox are all a little better off because of it.
Professional Brand Cortisol Helper Formulas
If your interested in our many HEMP PRODUCTS, please contact us directly for suggestions and formulas. We have some of the best too!! Thank you.